President’s Message

The most important issue for the NMHMA is sustainability. We want more qualified minority physicians in medical school and subsequently practicing in our communities. Our commitment to this issue hasn’t been without challenge. The organization began as a loose knit group of academics united behind the ideas of equal footing in the medical school. To that end, we have applied scholarship monies, pre-medical counseling services, participation on the admissions committee atUNM-SOM and countless hours shadowing aspiring students in our offices. All of these activities are done in the spirit of diversity that will eventually benefit everyone in the medical community. If we give freely of our time and our economic success, the return on investment will grow the NMHMA and sustain our success and our importance over and over again. The scholarship funds continue to grow with the generosity of a few large donors like Cardiac Care Consultants and Dr Leonora Lopez. The spirit of philanthropy they have shown is a model that we should duplicate. If we can have several large groups ‘adopt’ a scholarship and underwrite that amount each year then we can have sustained contributions and the pride of ownership for that scholarship.

The NMHMA is already a key player for health care awareness through our annual free clinic health fair, “La Feria de Salud: A Day of Free Healthcare”. We have successfully brought health screening and services to many in the community who would not otherwise have such personal contact with health care providers. The language barriers are broken down, the economic hurdles are overcome, and the technology glitches are relaxed for a day while we all get up close and personal with many individuals from the community. Just when you thought primary care was boring all of the sudden you get energized by the success of a free clinic. Come and join us April 23, 2016 for another day of pure fun and medicine stripped down to the bare essentials; you and a stethoscope.

The NMHMA has made a contribution to medical education in the community by sponsoring aCMEcourse (free to NMHMA members) each summer. The theme for ourCMEhas been focused on the issues of pain and addiction which has met the needs for requiredCMEby the board of medical examiners. However, our approach to pain and addiction has pushed beyond the immediacy of our prescription writing habits and has looked at the bigger picture of primary care pain management for all of us involved in alleviating pain and suffering for our patients. The success of our program has been notable among physicians and non physician ancillary providers as well. We welcome all participants to register for our CME program in August 2016 at the Sandia Resort. Keep an eye out for registration opportunities on this website and remember that NMHMA members can register for free.

Finally, the NMHMA takes some time out to celebrate the success of the year by throwing a good party in August. We recognize our scholarship recipients, recognize contributions from our community physicians, and celebrate the membership. Please join us for this important fundraiser and gala event.

The role of the President, in my mind, is to add a voice to your success in the community as a busy day to day medical provider. All of us want to point to something bigger than our selves at the end of the day. We all brought a great story to graduate medical education, a sense of idealism and a sense of purpose to our mission to be medical providers. The reality of medicine may tarnish some of that idealism but the New Mexico Hispanic Medical Association will not let you down when it comes to the mission and purpose you promised to the community. Give us the opportunity to be your voice and we can sustain that purpose and mission over and over again; your membership is appreciated immensely.